Function streamCursorQuery

  • Streams data from a query that returns cursors.

    Type Parameters

    • I = any[]


    • client: Client | PoolClient

      A connected Client or PoolClient

    • config: {
          text: string;
          values?: QueryConfigValues<I>;
          types?: CustomTypesConfig;
          batchSize?: number;
          highWaterMark?: number;
          rowMode?: "array";

      Defines streaming configuration.

      • text: string
      • Optional values?: QueryConfigValues<I>
      • Optional types?: CustomTypesConfig
      • Optional batchSize?: number
      • Optional highWaterMark?: number
      • Optional rowMode?: "array"

    Returns Observable<{
        cursor: string;
        value: any;

    Rows associated with the cursor that reads them as they are read.

    Public Api